BSRB is the largest federation of public worker unions in Iceland. All trade unions operating in the public service within the state and municipal and private sector can become members of BSRB. The federation was established on 14th February 1942 and today the affiliated unions are 19 with over 23,000 members. About two third of the members are women.
The role of BSRB is to campaign for the rights and guard the interests of employees in the public sector within the state, local government, and the private market and to actively campaign imrovements in the welfare system. The federation has the negotiating rights for joint affairs of the unions in the collective wage agreements and in other issues that are allocated to the federation by its member unions.
BSRB supports its member unions in their bargaining for wage agreements and campaigns for their interest. It endorses the solidarity of the affiliated unions and equality for the members. The federations also backs educational, informational and cultural activity and not least equality in the labour market. The federation works for solidarity and cooperation of union matters within in and out of Iceland.
The Union Centre
The headquarters of BSRB, is at Grettisgata 89 in Reykjavik, the Union Centre. The Centre is jointly owned by the federation and some affiliated unions that have offices in the building. In addition to offices there are meeting rooms, a canteen and auditorium that is used for courses and other meetings.
The following unions have their offices in the centre: The Police Federation of Iceland (Landssamband lögreglumanna) The Icelandic Air Traffic Association (Félag flugmálastarfsmanna ríkisins), The Union of Icelandic Postal Workers (Póstmannafélag Íslands) and The Union of public servants (Sameyki). BSRB’s relief fund (Styrktarsjóður BSRB) also has its office in the building.
Office hours are Mon-Thursday 9-16 and 9-12 on Fridays.