Dynamic public services is one of the basic foundations of the welfare society. One of the government’s main roles is to maintain a dynamic welfare system where Icelanders are ensured secure means of support, healthcare and social services, education and safety, irrespective of residency. The welfare system shall be financed out of the country’s inhabitants’ common funds and shall ensure that everyone receives excellent service, irrespective of payment ability. The experience has shown that a welfare society will not be built without upholding the values of co-operation and equality, values which the trade union movement has upheld from the outset.
The best way to ensure equality involves the government organising, managing and financing public services. The legal framework of the public services must be sufficiently solid to provide protection against marketisation. Public services must never be run with profit; instead, public interests and societal goals are to be at the forefront.
Dynamic public services are based on professional and competent employees. It is important to ensure that staffing in a workplace is performed in such a way that the safety of users and employees is not at risk. The need for increased manpower has been defined, but capital is lacking to meet those requirements. It is also necessary to ensure that state and municipal employees have a good and organised working environment, improved flow of information, dialogue and involvement in decision making, e.g. in regards to organisational changes and equal opportunities to seek work-related education and training.