
Grants and funds are in the hands of each union and are not administered by the federation. Some of the unions manage their own grants but the vast majority have united in Styrktarsjóður BSRB (The BSRB support fund).

The fund is linked to BSRB but is an independent business entity with its own manager, board, and personnel.

List of affiliated unions that are members of the fund:

  • FFR - Félag flugmálastarfsmanna ríkisins
  • Icelandic Air Traffic Controllers Association (Félag íslenskra flugumferðastjóra)
  • Union of Public Employees in East Iceland (Félag opinberra starfsmanna á Austurlandi)
  • The Government Ministries´ employees Union (Félag starfsmanna stjórnarráðsins)
  • Kjölur, Union of Public Servants (Kjölur, stéttarfélag starfsmanna í almannaþjónustu)
  • Sameyki - Union of Public Servants (Sameyki - stéttarfélag í almannaþjónustu)
  • Icelandic Union of License Practical Nurses (Sjúkraliðafélag Íslands)
  • Union of Municipal Employees in Garðabær (Starfsmannafélag Garðabæjar)

  • Union of Municipal Employees in Hafnarfjörður (Starfsmannafélag Hafnarfjarðar)

  • Union of Municipal Employees in Húsavík (Starfsmannafélag Húsavíkur)
  • Union - Starfsmannafélag Kópavogs (SFK Starfsmannafélag Kópavogs)
  • Union of Municipal Employees in Mosfellsbær (Starfsmannafélag Mosfellsbæjar)
  • STFS Labor union (Starfsmannafélag Suðurnesja)
  • Vestmannaeyja employees association (Starfsmannafélag Vestmannaeyja)
  • Custom Officers Union (Tollvarðafélag Íslands)

List of unions that manage their own funds:

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